At least one horse has been slaughtered with pangas and others attacked as a protest allegedly over UIF non-payment rages at the Fairview racecourse in Port Elizabeth on Thursday morning.
Killing of Dr Abdulhay Munshi is ‘outrageous and deplorable’
The South African Medical Association says it is shocked to learn of the killing of anaesthetist Dr Abdulhay Munshi.
12名「被送中」港人命途未卜,其中包括「香港故事」成員李宇軒(Andy)。關注李宇軒的 facebook 專頁「Andy is Missing」今晚刊出其家人發出的英文聲明。文中指,李宇軒是一個信奉自由、正義、民主和人權之人,他竭盡所能為港人爭取民主,卻被指違反《港區國安法》…
Happy Birthday Nia Sharma: 10 times the actress made fans say bold is beautiful with her chic style statement
Nia Sharma is celebrating her birthday today. As the stunning actress turns a year older, and we take a look at the times the diva made heads turn with her bold style statement.
【有片】PS5 發布會懶人包 蜘蛛俠、FF16、戰神、 Bio8 等作品一次睇
在今早的 PS5 發布會上,主機的發售日與定價固然是玩家們關注的重點,但實際上有什麼遊戲會登錄該平台,玩家又能在首發時玩到那些遊戲同樣是另一話題。以下筆者將會介紹今次發布會中所展示過的遊戲。
Taylor Swift sparkles in sequin turtleneck as Kelsea Ballerini and Maren Morris dazzle at ACM Awards
The Academy of Country Music Awards hosted a scaled back and socially distanced annual awards show utilizing three venues and broadcasting a mix of pre-recorded and live segments.
據《ESPN》報導,熱刺主教練摩連奴(Jose Mourinho)收到來自皇馬同僚的告誡,稱巴爾(Gareth Bale)的身體狀況已經無法適應英超聯賽。 該報導說,曾在2010年至2013年執教皇馬的摩連奴,和班拿貝的一些前同事仍保持著關係,他們告誡摩帥稱,31歲的巴…
PS5發布會|惡魔靈魂Demon’s Souls重製Gameplay公開首發有得玩
【PS5發布會】在上次發布會中無預告公開、而一公布即引起全球機迷關注的經典動作遊戲《惡魔之魂》Demon’s Souls重製版,在是次發布會中公開了一條
【PS5發布會】PS5 PS Plus 送18款PS4大作同Xbox GamePass對撼|科技玩物
PS5 發布會中除了新作及主機售價,還有一個重大發布令人相當注目,便是 PS Plus 的新追加服務「PlayStation Plus Collection」。作為 PS Plus 會員
PlayStation 5 matches the price of the Xbox Series X
Sony opts not to undercut its rival this time round but instead will rely on exclusives to woo gamers.