Kevin Gameiro fait ses adieux à Strasbourg, un adieu chaleureux à la Meinau est attendu
Slowakei gegen Deutschland im Live-Ticker: DEB-Auswahl steht zum WM-Auftakt Schlüsselspiel bevor
Deutschland hat bei der Eishockey-WM mit Auftaktgegner Slowakei ein echtes Brett vor der Brust. Die Partie im Live-Ticker.
10 Crazy and Creepy Crimes People Said They Were Addicted To
Addiction is a word people like to throw around in daily life, often in relation to things that they like. Their favorite candy is “addictive,” or they
Il viceispettore Christian Di Martino è stato ferito con tre coltellate alla schiena da un 37enne marocchino. Pm, l’aggressore è estremamente pericoloso
Drammatico episodio nella notte tra mercoledì e giovedì a Milano, dove un viceispettore di polizia di 35 anni, Christian Di Martino, è stato accoltellato in
Brunson, Knicks carry 2-0 lead on Pacers into Indianapolis
Jalen Brunson overcame an early injury and scored 29 points to lead the New York Knicks to a comeback victory over the Indiana Pacers in Game 2 of the Eastern C…
RFK Jr. says he might have a dead worm in his brain but he’ll eat ‘5 more’ and still be able to beat Biden and Trump in a presidential debate
“I feel confident of the result even with a six-worm handicap,” the independent presidential candidate said in an X post.
Podcast zum VfB Stuttgart: Flutlichtspiel in der Fuggerstadt
Der Podcast unserer Redaktion beschäftigt sich wöchentlich mit der Situation beim VfB Stuttgart. In der 289. Folge sprechen Philipp Maisel und Christian Pavli…
Dresden: Mutmaßliche Rechtsextreme greifen Grünen-Politiker an
Eine Gruppe schwarz Gekleideter hat am Dienstagabend Kommunalpolitiker beim Plakatieren angegriffen. Die F.A.Z. wurde Zeuge der Attacke. Der Staatsschutz ermitt…
Too much water, and not enough: Brazil’s flooded south struggles to access basic goods
More than 80% of residents in Brazil’s southern city of Porto Alegre don’t have running water one week after major flooding.
Le rappeur Travis Scott en concert à l’Allianz Rivera de Nice cet été ! Ce sera la seule date française de son Circus Maximus Tour
Le rappeur Travis Scott en concert à l’Allianz Rivera de Nice cet été ! Ce sera la seule date française de son Circus Maximus Tour : Son Maximus Circus Tour…
Minnesota’s blowout win delivers a new NBA title favorite, plus the best pitcher you’ve never heard of
The Pulse Newsletter 📣 | This is The Athletic’s daily sports newsletter. Sign up here to receive The Pulse directly in your inbox. Good morning! Sell that…
Winnipeg Jets head coach Rick Bowness announces retirement
Bowness had a 98-57-9 record in his two seasons as Jets head coach and is a finalist for the Jack Adams Award this season.