Het KNMI heeft maandag tot 18.00 uur code oranje afgegeven voor de provincies Noord-Holland, Friesland en Groningen wegens grootschalige gladheid door gevallen sneeuw en ijsplaten. In de rest van het land geldt vanaf het middaguur code geel.
Super Bowl 2021: Experts rate the leaked commercials
The stars of “Wayne’s World” were reunited, Amazon’s Alexa got replaced by a flirty Michael B. Jordan and Bruce Springsteen made his commercial debut for Jeep. Celebrity cam…
Manchester United news and transfers RECAP Paul Pogba injury latest plus Man Utd fixture news
A recap of the day’s Man Utd breaking news, transfer rumours and reaction to last night’s Everton fixture.
Morgenochtend code oranje; Rijkswaterstaat en NS: reis alleen als dat echt nodig is
Rijkswaterstaat meldt dat vooral in het midden en noorden de rijomstandigheden gevaarlijk blijven. De NS wil de dienstregeling morgen “mondjesmaat” opstarten.
Estação Guandu é religada neste domingo, mas abastecimento só deve ser normalizado em 48h, diz Cedae
Interrupção ocorrida na noite de sábado (6) tinha como objetivo reduzir a quantidade de geosmina na água. Companhia pede para que a população economize água.
Alun Wyn Jones ‘punched by team-mate’ as Wales captain suffers black eye in incident
Jones will captain Wales against Ireland in the Six Nations today but will have a black eye following an altercation, according to reports emerging
Scotland beat England to end 38-year Twickenham jinx
Scotland ended their 38-year wait for a win at Twickenham with an 11-6 success over reigning champions England in the teams’ Six Nations opener.
We willen winter? We krijgen winter: meteen zondag gevoelstemperatuur -14 en het blijft twee dagen sneeuwen
Engelbert Humperdinck and wife Patricia’s 70-year love story as she dies with Covid
Patricia Humperdinck died on Friday night after contracting Covid-19, with pop star husband Engelbert Humperdinck breaking the devastating news of her passing
Jetzt live: Spiel gedreht! Sulejmani und Ducksch bringen Hannover 96 in Führung
Hannover 96 setzt sich im Derby gegen Eintracht Braunschweig mit 2:1 (2:1) durch. Marvin Ducksch und Valmir Sulejmani drehten die Begegnung nach dem 0:1-Rückstand. Alle Details zum Derby lest ihr in unserem Liveticker zum Nachlesen.
‘We lost our brother’: Tributes pour in for Skwatta Kamp rapper Nish
SA music fans are mourning the death of Skwatta Kamp rapper Musawenkosi “Nish” Molefe, with dozens taking to social media to pay tribute to the star.
Anderson nega estupro e diz ter conhecido jovem no Tinder: ‘Não é virgem’
Após prestar depoimento na 33ª Delegacia de Polícia do Rio, no bairro de Realengo, o vocalista do grupo Molejo, Anderson Leonardo, comentou a acusação de estupro feita por um jovem de 21 anos.Ele afirma que a relação foi consensual e nega que o jovem seja