Montreal police say 17 tickets were issued to people protesting the measure in the city’s Plateau borough.
América goleia Vitória no Horto, mantém liderança e carimba vaga na Série A do Brasileirão
Pouco mais de um ano da decepção no Independência por não conseguir subir para a Série A, ao trope…
Un Boeing 737 indonésien disparaît après avoir décollé de Djakarta
L’appareil, un Boeing 737-500 reliant la capitale indonésienne et Pontianak, transportait 62 personnes.
Twitter boots Trump to stop violence-sparking tweets
Twitter’ decision to permanently suspend Trump is considered overdue by critics who argue he has gotten away with abuses, but has inflamed members of the far-right who equate fact-checking with stifling free speech.
Morre Daniel Carvalho, ex-VJ da MTV e criador da personagem Katylene
Morreu nesta sexta-feira (8), aos 32 anos, o ex-apresentador da MTV e da Band Daniel Carvalho. Ele estava internado com problemas renais em um hospital do Rio de Janeiro desde o final de 2020. A causa da morte não foi divulgada. As informações são do colunist…
Bogarde (17) en Swinkels (16) debuteren voor Aston Villa met FA Cup-nederlaag tegen Liverpool
Twee Nederlandse jeugdspelers van Aston Villa hebben vrijdagavond het voorlopige hoogtepunt in hun carrière beleefd. Lamare Bogarde (17) en Sil Swinkels (16) debuteerden voor hun club in de verloren bekerwedstrijd (1-4) tegen Liverpool.
Waarom het nationale vaccinatieschema wekelijks kan veranderen
Er werd reikhalzend uitgekeken naar de vaccinatiestrategie van Nederland. Die moest duidelijk maken wie wanneer aan de beurt is voor een prik, en vooral met welk vaccin. Maar hoe graag we ook garanties willen hebben, het vaccinatieplan kan met de week verande…
Moderna becomes third Covid vaccine approved in the UK
Seventeen million doses have been ordered by the UK and are expected to arrive in spring.
Schauspielerin aus »Police Academy«: Marion Ramsey ist tot
Die amerikanische Schauspielerin Marion Ramsey ist verstorben. Bekannt wurde sie vor allem mit ihren Auftritten als schüchterne Beamtin mit hoher Stimme in den »Police Academy«-Filmen.
SpaceX launches Turkey’s new Turksat 5A satellite
SpaceX launched a Turkish communications satellite into orbit late on Jan. 7.
Betsy DeVos, Education Secretary, is Second Cabinet Member to Resign.
In a letter to President Trump Ms. DeVos said, “we are left to clean up the mess caused by violent protesters overrunning the U.S. Capitol in an attempt to undermine the people’s business.”
Alberta ‘not in a position’ to relax all COVID-19 public health measures: Jason Kenney
Premier Jason Kenney took to Facebook live Wednesday night to address questions from Albertans, the first of which was about the current restrictions.