Coinciding with Amazon Great Indian Festival sale and Flipkart Big Billion days, Realme has announced a 6-day sale for its phones, TVs and other products like earbuds.
Val-d’Oise: 2 policiers blessés par balle à Herblay, les agresseurs ont dérobé leurs armes
Les fonctionnaires étaient en planque au moment de leur agression. Le pronostic vital de l’un d’entre eux est engagé. Leurs agresseurs ont quant à eux pris la fuite et sont activement recherchés.
Vice-presidential debate 2020: live updates as Kamala Harris and Mike Pence go head-to-head
Mike Pence, the US Vice President, and California senator Kamala Harris are going head-to-head tonight for the first and only vice presidential debate of the 2020 campaign.
新冠肺炎疫情反彈,衞生署宣布今日(8日)新增18宗確診,累計增至5,162宗;除了4宗為輸入個案,其他14宗為本地個案,葵涌國寶之家出現院舍爆發,新增11宗確診,累計12人染疫;酒吧China Secret亦增1宗確診1宗初步確診,累計10人中招。至於無源頭本地感染個案則有1宗。另外,今日初步確診個案暫少於10宗。據悉,政府有見可能再有酒吧爆疫,緊急研究再度勒令酒吧停業。面對疫情狀況,食物及衞生局局長陳肇始亦表示,近日本地個案有上升,源頭不明個案有上升趨勢,政府嚴陣以待。衞生署署長陳漢儀指,留意到市民在酒店Sta…
Alex Smith moves up depth chart, will back up Kyle Allen with Dwayne Haskins third
Not only has the Washington Football Team benched quarterback Dwayne Haskins, but he’s not even second string anymore. Kyle Allen will start on Sunday against the Rams and Alex Smith will back him up, according to NFL Network. Dwayne Haskins, the 2019 first-r…
Россия — Швеция: контрольный матч, пресс-конференция Станислава Черчесова и Дениса Черышева
Тренер ответил на главные вопросы перед матчами октября.
Razzia beim DFB wegen Verdachts der schweren Steuerhinterziehung
Der Deutsche Fußball-Bund gerät wieder ins Visier der Ermittler. Wegen des Verdachts der schweren Steuerhinterziehung gibt es Durchsuchungen. Sechs Beschuldigte stehen im Fokus. Es geht um eine Millionensumme.
(新增內容) 汪詩詩與汪圓圓父親、甄子丹外父汪國強,上月中不敵癌魔離世,終年68歲。汪家今天以基督教儀式舉行喪禮,於中環花園道聖約翰座堂瞻仰遺容,然後舉行安息禮拜,隨即出殯,並安葬於薄扶林華人基督教墳場。 詩詩、圓圓兩姊妹與父母感情要好,兩女分別嫁予甄子丹、玩具大王蔡志明兒子…
SA’s biggest labour federations gear up for nationwide strike
Cosatu, Fedusa, Saftu and Nactu have joined forces to protest against what they consider a failed government that has overseen the repression of workers.
В Лос-Анджелесе умер рок-музыкант Эдди Ван Хален
Создатель группы Van Halen и один из пионеров тэппинга умер от рака языка. Восемь лет назад журнал Guitar World назвал его лучшим гитаристом всех времен
Onda de calor continua e Inmet alerta para risco de morte em parte do Brasil
Instituto diz que calor com risco de hipertermia deve se estender até sexta-feira (9) em algumas regiões. Temperaturas estão 5ºC acima da média em partes do Centro-Oeste, Sudeste e Tocantins.