Month: August 2020

Home 2020 August

Lebemann par excellence

Google ehrt Alexandre Dumas (1802 – 1870) mit einem eigenen Doodle. Der Franzose war ein Lebemann und gab sein Geld schnell und großzügig aus.


Alexandre Dumas é homenageado com Doodle

O Google está promovendo uma homenagem a um dos autores franceses mais reverenciados do século 19, Alexandre Dumas. “Doodle de hoje celebra Alexandre Dumas. Talvez mais conhecido por romances de aventura fanfarrões, Dumas produziu uma prolífica obra que conti…



🙂 Winner Of Over 250 Game Of The Year Awards, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Is A Story-driven, Open World Adventure Set In A Dark Fantasy Universe.[shortcode id=”24390808″/]About the GAME OF THE YEAR Edition


Brian Urlacher chimes in on Jacob Blake situation

At the risk of being accused of trying to “cancel” Hall of Fame Bears linebacker Brian Urlacher (the first question would be, “Cancel him from what?”), it’s important to highlight a comment he made Thursday that has triggered a Twitter trend trifecta of Urlac…