Month: August 2020

Home 2020 August


看英仙座流星雨需要做哪些準備呢?什麼時間、地點最適合呢? The post 英仙座流星雨要怎麼看? appeared first on PanSci 泛科學.


Hackers Hijack Reddit Mod Accounts to Post Pro-Trump Messages

“Do you know what rhymes with Donald Trump? America. Greatness in America only comes from Donald Trump. Donald Trump,” r ead the message , which was cross posted on several subreddits. “Donald Trump (唐纳德·特朗普) is the best, greatest, premier of the peoples Repu…


[其他] 約會dating相似英文詞

常見三個中文翻譯「見面、約會」的英文單字「date」、「meeting」、「appointment」各自意思與用法。 1. date 「date」特別指的是「情侶或是愛人之間的約會」。 e.g I had a date with my boyfriend yesterday evening. (我昨晚跟我男友約會。) e.g I’m gonna date with my girlfriend and we are gonna have a brunch. (我要跟我女友約會,而我們會一起吃早午餐。) 2. …


Sat Aug 08 ’20 Announcement from Chien Chien Lu

Hi my friends,Thank you so much for your support. I’m so thankful for your generosity even during these crazy times. You guys are the best!! I’m extremely excited to announce that the record will be officially released on September 23rd. You can find it on al…


微软9月推出Project xCloud游戏服务,目前仅限Android

PingWest品玩8月4日讯,微软将于9月15日在Android设备上推出名为Project xCloud的游戏流媒体服务。Project xCloud将作为Xbox Game Pass Ultimate订阅的一部分捆绑销售,定价为每月14.99美元,Project xCloud将承诺在Android平板电脑和手机上提供超过100款游戏。游戏流媒体最初将仅限于Android,iPhone和iPad用户还需等待一段时间。Project xCloud将于下个月在22个国家推出,包括奥地利、比利时、加拿大、捷克共和国…